Achari Bhindi recipe

Achari Bhindi Recipe

लज़ीज़ अचारी भिंडी (Achari Bhindi Recipe) बनाने का आसान तरीका

Achari Bhindi Recipe is North Indian style recipe which is very delicious and tangy in taste. This achari okra (ladyfinger) recipe uses special spices of pickles masala (achari masala). In this recipe, Bhindi (okra) is cooked with tomato gravy with achari masala spices which creates a wonderful dish and gives it a very unique flavor. Dahi (yogurt) is also commonly used in gravy to make special Dahi Achari Bhindi Recipe. This ladyfinger recipe is quick and easy to prepare with easily available ingredients in indian kitchen. The delicious spicy dish is for you, if you are looking for a different taste of okra/Bhindi. This may serve with any kind of Indian bread- Chapati, Phulka, Poori , Paratha, Tandoori Roti and steamed rice.

हिंदी के लिए रेसिपी कार्ड देखें

Achari Masala Preparations

Making of achari masala at home is very easy by using following ingredient:

½ tsp fennel seed/Saunf सौंफ; ½ tsp cumin seeds/ जीरा; ½ tsp mustard seeds/ rai; ½ tsp Methi (Fenugreek) seeds / मेंथी; ½ tsp carom seeds/ Ajwain अजवायन; 2 tsp dry coriander seeds/ साबुत सुखा धनिया

Roast above said quantities of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, carom seeds/ Ajwain, dry coriander seeds in a pan on a medium flame for 1-2 minute or until the spices are slightly browned and fragrant and grind the spices into a coarse powder. Set it aside.


Ready made mango pickle may also added with achari masala which gives it that extra flavor. You may skip asafetida (hing)  as spice for gluten-free achari bhindi. The rest of the ingredients are gluten-free. Always wash the Bhindi (okra) and dry each well before chopping. You can skip adding curd as per taste of curry. Use Mustard oil for the best taste.

Achari Bhindi recipe

Achari Bhindi | Achari Okra Recipe: How to make at home

Achari bhindi is North Indian style curry recipe which is very delicious and tangy in taste. This achari bhindi (ladyfinger) recipe uses some of the spices that are used to make the special pickles masala (achari masala).This Achari bhindi recipe is quick and easy to prepare with easily available ingredients in indian kitchen.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 people


  • 4 tbsp Mustard oil/सरसों का तेल  any vegetable oil
  • ½ tsp fennel seed/Saunf सौंफ
  • ½ tsp cumin seeds/ जीरा
  • ½ tsp mustard seeds/ rai
  • ½ tsp Methi (Fenugreek) seeds / मेंथी
  • ½ tsp carom seeds/ Ajwain अजवायन
  • 2 tsp dry coriander seeds/ साबुत सुखा धनिया
  • 1 Green chilies /हरी मिर्च
  • 1-2 1-2 garlic buds/ लहसुन
  • 1 large red onion finely chopped/लाल प्याज बारीक कटा हुआ
  • 1 large tomato finely chopped/ टमाटर बारीक कटा हुआ
  • 500 gm bhindi sliced lengthwise/ लंबाई में कटी भिन्डी
  • tsp Asafoetida/Hing हींग
  • Salt to taste / नमक स्वादानुसार
  • 1 tsp Coriander powder/धनिया पाउडर
  • ½ tsp Red Chilli powder/ लाल मिर्च पाउडर
  • ¼ tsp Turmeric Powder /हल्दी पाउडर
  • t tbsp Milk Cream/Curd दही
  • Fresh coriander leaves/ताजा हरा धनिया


  • Make the achari masala as mentioned in Note./ नीचे नोट में बताए अनुसार अचारी मसाला बना लें).
    ½ tsp fennel seed/Saunf सौंफ, ½ tsp cumin seeds/ जीरा, ½ tsp mustard seeds/ rai, ½ tsp Methi (Fenugreek) seeds / मेंथी, ½ tsp carom seeds/ Ajwain अजवायन, 2 tsp dry coriander seeds/ साबुत सुखा धनिया
  • Wash the Bhindi (okra) well and wipe each  bhindi using a kitchen towel or paper napkin .Cut and discard the top and tip. Slit the Bhindi in half lengthwise and set aside./ भिंडी को पानी से अच्छी तरह धो लें और किचन के कपड़े से पोंछ लें। ऊपर से और सिरे को काटकर अलग कर दें। भिंडी को आधा काट कर अलग रख दें)
  • Make puree of chopped tomato by grinding/कटे टमाटर को पीस कर प्यूरी बना लें.
  • One large red onion chopped finely/ एक बड़ा लाल प्याज बारीक काट लें.
  • To make achari bhindi recipe, first heat 3-4 tbsp mustard oil in a medium sized pan over high heat./अचारी भिंडी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक मध्यम आकार के पैन में 3-4 टेबल स्पून सरसों का तेल तेज आंच पर गर्म करें।
  • Now, add the bhindi to the pan and shallow fry on high heat about 5-6 minutes until slightly browned and soft. Then, remove it on a plate for next step./ अब, भिन्डी को पैन में डालें और तेज़ आँच पर लगभग 5-6 मिनट तक हल्का भूरा और नरम होने तक भूनें। फिर, अगले स्टेप के लिए इसे एक प्लेट में निकाल लें।
  • Now, remaining mustard oil heat it over medium heat and add 2 pinch Hing (Asafoetida), chopped green chilies,garlic and chopped onion, stirring until softened browned./ अब बचा हुआ सरसों का तेल मध्यम आँच पर गरम करें और उसमें 2 चुटकी हींग, कटी हुई हरी मिर्च, लहसुन और कटा हुआ प्याज़ डालकर नरम होने तक भूनें।
  • Now add coriander, red chilli, and turmeric powder,  achari masala, and salt to taste and fry until oil starts to separate from the sides of the pan (about 1-2 minutes)./ अब इस में धनिया,लाल मिर्च और हल्दी पाउडर, अचारी मसाला और स्वादानुसार नमक डालकर तब तक भूनें जब तक कि पैन के किनारों से तेल अलग न होने लगे(1-2 मिनट)।
  • Then, Add tomato puree and allow cooking about 2-3 minutes and now add the fried bhindi, stir to combine and cover with lid and allow to cook for 1-2 minutes./फिर, टमाटर प्यूरी डालें और लगभग 2-3 मिनट पकने दें और अब तली हुई भिंडी डालें, मिलाएँ और ढक्कन से ढक दें और 1-2 मिनट के लिए पकने दें।
  • Add milk cream or curd and mix well. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve hot as a main dish to an Indian vegetarian meal./ मलाई या दही डालें और अच्छी तरह मिलाएँ। ताज़े हरे धनिये से सजाएँ और भारतीय शाकाहारी भोजन के मुख्य व्यंजन के रूप में गरमागरम परोसें।



  • Achari Masala Preparation:Roast above said quantities of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, carom seeds/ Ajwain, dry coriander seeds in a pan on a medium flame for 1-2 minute or until the spices are slightly browned and fragrant and grind the spices into a coarse powder. Set it aside.
  • Always wash the Bhindi (okra) and dry each well before chopping.
  • You can skip adding curd as per taste of curry.
  • Use Mustard oil for the best taste.
  • You may also use Mango pickle masala.
  • You may skip Hing (Asafoetida) for gluten free recipe.
Keyword Achari Bhindi, Achari Okra Bhindi, Crisp Okra with Indian Pickle spices, Dahi Achari bhindi

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